Craft CMS - Declaration of Love To a Content Management System

WordPress, Typo3, Contao, Drupal, Django or Craft CMS - when it comes to finding the right CMS for their own website, decision-makers and developers can choose from a variety of alternatives, all of which come with various advantages and disadvantages.
2023-02-27 in Craft CMS

As a digital agency from Copenhagen, we have implemented many different website projects with a wide variety of content management systems over the years. From WordPress, Typo3 to Django CMS. Our developers tested many content management systems.

In the summer of 2016 we used Craft 2 for the first time for our agency website and have been able to gain a lot of experience since then. Since then, Craft CMS, the first version of which was offered in 2013, has been our favorite CMS.

For whom is the use of Craft CMS suitable?

Craft CMS is an incredibly flexible and fast content-first CMS, which is perfect for editors and developers, but also for decision-makers. The motto of Craft CMS is therefore

“Craft empowers the entire creative process. Everything you need. Nothing you wont”

- Pixel & Tonic, Inc.

General benefits of Craft CMS

In the vibrant city of Copenhagen, where digital innovation thrives, businesses are embracing the versatility of Craft CMS for their web development needs. This state-of-the-art content management system embodies the very essence of the Danish capital’s forward-thinking mindset, offering a streamlined and dynamic approach to online content management.

Benefits for Developers

Craft CMS stands out in the bustling technology scene of Copenhagen, known for rapid prototyping and shorter time-to-market timelines. The ability to swiftly set up features like blogging within the system's admin area in less than ten minutes makes it a preferred choice among businesses in the city.

Under the charm of the architectural beauty of Copenhagen, developers leverage Craft CMS's decoupled templating with Twig. This feature, much like the city’s enchanting blend of old and new architecture, provides flexibility in web design without compromising the system's core functionality.

In a world where modernity meets tradition, as in Copenhagen, Craft CMS's utilization of contemporary methods for server-side web software development shines. Incorporating the most widely used tools, such as Composer for dependency management, Twig and PHP 8+ for optional templating, and Yii for component and system development, Craft CMS simplifies the process, making it a perfect solution for crafting user-friendly systems.

Craft CMS's journey, much like the evolution of Copenhagen from a fishing village to a tech hub, began in 2011. The development team, Pixel & Tonic, has consistently improved the system since its first version release in 2013. Craft CMS supports individual editorial workflows, making it easier to build custom admin areas. Web and mobile views, as well as interfaces, are entirely decoupled from the back end, offering a design freedom similar to the aesthetic independence found in Copenhagen's eclectic neighborhoods.

Benefits for decision makers

For decision-makers in businesses across Copenhagen, Craft CMS offers numerous advantages, such as low one-off costs and an option for a free version. It is also known for its clean multisite and multichannel editing and content delivery – a testament to the efficient and organized nature of the city itself. Moreover, it meets current security requirements through regular updates, while also offering a plug-in shop for over 200 additional functionalities.

Benefits for Editors

Craft CMS offers advantages for editors, too. It's easy to use and requires minimal training, providing a user-friendly experience comparable to the warm hospitality found in Copenhagen. Editors can enjoy features like delayed publishing, deactivation of content, and mobile responsive usability with a live preview function.


To sum up, the Craft Content Management System, much like the city of Copenhagen, represents a perfect blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern innovation. For developers, decision-makers, and editors, Craft CMS offers a myriad of benefits, making it an ideal choice for anyone who values flexibility and creativity in their work.

In the spirit of Copenhagen’s open-minded ethos, our digital agency has embraced Craft CMS. We have used it in various projects, such as the Radio Gong relaunch of the website and app. Craft CMS is the first and best choice for anyone who loves the game on a green field and the associated, almost limitless flexibility, just like we do, and just like the city of Copenhagen.